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A photography project expressing the thoughts, feelings and experiences of Survivors of Abuse.
Empowering Survivors through visual expression & Photographic Therapy
Click this link for a detailed explanation of What Photographic Therapy is, with visualizations and various links to videos, courses, and more.
Take your time to explore the various aspects of our website
Fortitude Project is for every survivor of abuse!
#SurvivorsHandinHand @FortitudeProjec
(This website will grow, change and expand as the project does)
➡Footnote; (at the top because I like being different);
✴ If P!nk can share her life through music then I will not hide in shame as I #doggedly 😉 (love that word) share the "harrowing" story that is my life through my Photography and my upcoming Memoir
I want to do with my Photography what P!nk does with her music! ✴

#Imnotscaredtobeseen #Imakenoapologies #thisisme
Please feel free to get in touch or share
Social media links below & on the Social media Page
Click here for "About Founder" section
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